Watch “Shop Your Values” on Chronicle

Watch “Shop Your Values” on Chronicle

I’ll be honest, I was filled with a mix of panic and excitement when I was asked to be part of a segment for the New England news show, Chronicle.
Why our new Metallic Leather is different (better!) than the sample

Why our new Metallic Leather is different (better!) than the sample

Two years ago, I came across this amazing distressed metallic leather. So beautiful that I ordered a sample side of leather, despite not knowing what I would make with it.
Are they all yours?

Are they all yours?

In honor of Mother’s Day, this week is dedicated to Motherhood and giving you a glimpse into our real life. Building community is about sharing life – the good and the ugly. 
Behind the Photoshoot

Behind the Photoshoot

Don’t tell anyone, but there is no one right or wrong way to do a photoshoot. But here are a few tips we’ve learned along the way…